Thursday, October 7, 2010

Thankful For You

Today my project was quite simple but it unnerved me numerous times!  My Cricut pressure was on the wrong setting and I destroyed three pieces of paper before the last remaining brain cell kicked it and rescued the next one!  This is by Kandrews Designs and was part of the October Grab Bag at Visual Designs by Chris.  I won't go into all the mess-ups on it because you just may not notice them, LOL Trust me, they ARE there and were pretty big at first :(  I hope each of you are having a super creative day and are able to enjoy this beautiful weather South Carolina is blessed with! *Hugs*


  1. Hey now I think it looks fine....don't be so hard on yourself.....if you didn't have a mishap now and then that would mean I picked the wrong name for your blog.....right?

    love ya Hon


  2. I think it looks great!! You sound like you had one of my days! lol

  3. Hey you didn't have a mishap...your cricut settings were just off. That happens to ALL of us!
    I absolutely love this...its one of my favorites other than the baker owl. I'm going to be doing tutorials next week with all thee files
    You did a great job with this Alicia!

  4. I love reading about your adventures, Alicia!! The card looks great! You did Kristal proud!
