Saturday, September 25, 2010

Today's Project

Ok, It is NOT the Never Ending Card- That one was set aside for a short bit.  On a bright note, I DID finally catch on to the folding process but I still need to do the decor of it, so that will be for another day.  I had a very special friend ask me to help out with raising the spirits of a young girl in ICU with Pneumonia, by sending a Get Well Card.  As a member of the crafting community on Yahoo, you soon learn it is not a community at all, but a rather large extended family and we help our family members in times of need!  This card is a bit busy in my opinion and I am not really sure that I even like it to be honest. It took me literally all day to complete what with the drying time, cutting and embossing time, mishaps (LOTS of mishaps), redos and so forth. The colors are off a bit in the photo, but I am not a very good photographer and I admit it, LOL  I am happy to have it done and no major catastrophies along the way either!  I do hope the day has gone great for each of you!  *Hugs*


  1. This is a very happy card that should brighten Alexa's day!

  2. Oh this is cute! Colors are great to lift spirits. I think its perfect!

  3. Beautiful girly card...............any little girl would like it and Alexa is sure to love it!
    Great Job

  4. Thank You SO much for the kind words. Maybe as I said, we are our worst critics is all it is or maybe outside of my comfy box- just not sure, but it just seems off to me, LOL *Hugs*

  5. Alicia, your card is very pretty and uplifting. I am sure it will raise Alexa's spirits. And, I agree, we are our own worse critics.

  6. She is going to love it and the loving thoughts behind it even more!

  7. I really like your get well soon layout and am going to try to "borrow" it. I occasionally make get well cards for my doctor to send out, this will be a nice addition.
    Thanks for the inspiration!


  8. Wow Sue, What a compliment that is- I am truly touched! I borrowed the original set up of the flower from another site myself, LOL I really loved the simplicity of her card but mine still seems SO much busier than hers did, LOL I do thank all of you so much for your kind words. I have read Alexa's Story and am thrilled to be a part of such a caring child's battle with such a horrid disease! Here is the link to see the Prayer Request: and if you scroll to the top you can read Alexa's Story there as well. *Hugs*

  9. I think this turned out beautifully! You have a very interesting blog. Thanks for visiting and following my blog so I could get a chance to meet you too. ~Diane

  10. I think this is precious and she will be so excited to receive it...BEAUTIFUL job ma'am!!!
