Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Stop and Smell the Roses

Well, It seems like everyone is on a flower making kick the last two weeks and I am no exception!  Here is a picture of the flowers I have completed thus far.  I am getting closer to whipping that little rose!  I have no doubt I will get it fully figured out very shortly :)  I am planning on using 2 of the roses for my never ending card so I need to get them made before I go any further on that project.  I have not mastered that pesky little glue gun either- it still leaves Jolly Green Giant sized stringy things all over the place.  I have been involved in so many different projects the last two days and I have supplies spread from my craft room through the kitchen, into the dining room, living room and back to the craft room!!  There is not a counter, cabinet, table or anything else without something sitting on it.  The kitchen island is so covered you can't see the top of it at the moment.  But, I know if I put it away then my oomph to create will go away for not wanting to make another mess!  I guess if I look at it in another view- if I keep pulling stuff out I just might be able to organize it a bit so that I have a slight idea as to what I DO have!!  Going through drawers looking for things is almost like Christmas, as I find so many things I either didn't know I had or had totally forgotten about!  I did make two other cards today but I didn't take pictures before I sealed them (sorry).  I put them in the mailbox, but they are being sent out to Noah and Amber (Alexa's Brother and Sister).  I felt what with Alexa in the hospital and so much going on, they may feel a bit left out and even more so when all the get well cards begin arriving for Alexa.  So hopefully I will be able to bring a small smile to their face and a nice surprise as well!  Ok, Here is the picture of my flowers from the last two days.  The picture colors are not fully accurate but I am having a time with that camera all of a sudden! The two large flowers are the ones I made from Jak's File, the roses are from Penny Duncan and the other layered ones are my own.  *Hugs*