Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mishaps DO Happen

Ok, I know you have all been listening to my talk of having Smurfitis, so I thought I would show you the healing version of it.  Believe it or not, this looks good compared to what they did look like, LOL *Hugs*


  1. If we did not know better, we would think you were dyeing Easter eggs a little late! But, we do understand inky fingers.

  2. LOL, I call it "Smurfitis" and I tend to catch it a lot, LOL *Hugs*

  3. Nice nails. Some teen girls would pay big bucks to make their nails look like that. LOL

  4. ROFL Billie- If you find any just send them my way and I will let them ink my next project, LOL *Hugs*

  5. LOL......Your blog looks GREAT girl...and I LOVE this picture!!!!!!

  6. Awww Thanks Penny, If you recall, I learned it from you in a prior video or picture, ROFL Love ya colored fingers and all though!!!! *Hugs*
