Thursday, November 18, 2010

Thanksgiving Napkin Cards

My Grandmother needed two cards for her secret pals at church and she was going to go buy two <Gasp> so I told her I would make them for her.  She chose a simple picture on a napkin I had so I "thought' this would be a simple quick project- well, we know that wasn't to be, right?  LOL I could not find where I hid my Saran Wrap so I had to go purchase another box.  I was in the dollar store picking up a gift bag to wrap up My Grandmother's Birthday Present so I grabbed a roll of plastic wrap in there (here was my mistake).  I came home, separated the parts of the napkin, fired up the iron and set about adhering the napkin to my card stock.  Well, once it cooled, it just came right back off- WHAT???  The last time I did this it was super simple, what is going on?  THEN I saw it- "Microwave Safe" Oh No, that is not going to work!  So, off to Wally World I go to pick up non microwave safe plastic wrap- well, I had a choice of a massive size box of clear wrap or a normal box of new holiday colors in red!  I figured what the heck, you weren't going to see it, so I went with the red, LOL  Thankfully, it went without a hitch once I got home and fired up the iron again :)  I know the flower petals are folded but that is from my sticking it in the envelope and taking it back out to remember to take pictures, so I set them straight and held the envelope open enough to slide them in without folding them this time around :) They aren't super fancy but she wanted something simple and straight forward so I think they fill the bill!  I do hope and pray each of you gets to spend your Thanksgiving in the company of loved ones!  *Hugs*


  1. LOL!! That's funny microwave plastic wrap...I've tried this technique before...I made a scrapbook for a baby shower and used the napkin as the cover page...worked like a charm. Your cards came out great! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Alicia!!!! {{{{{HUGS TO YOU SWEETIE}}}}}

  2. I love this technique. Works really well. Your cards came out great. I enjoy your cards.

  3. I hadn't heard of using plastic wrap and I need to go buy some pretty napkins and fire my iron up too!
