Monday, December 13, 2010

Wonderful Mail Day Today!!

Oh I am SO blessed to have so many wonderful friends met through my love of crafting!  The mail lady just dropped off THREE boxes to my door!  One is my Christmas Present from my bestest buddy Sandy, another is a box of hand made flowers sent from Penny from her Creative Inspirations and Friendship Group hand made flower Swap I participated in and lastly was a Totally Adorable Crocheted Snowman From my ArtSister Lucy!!!  I am SO thrilled to be so lucky and I just love all my new items to pieces!  Below are pictures of my adorable new snow buddy and the flowers I received! *Hugs* and Merry Christmas to All!


  1. You are indeed blessed but I imagine your friends are blessed with you! Isn't that the cutest snowman. Love it!
    Sandy D

  2. Oh he is ADORABLE!!!!!!!! I KNOW you love him!!!!

  3. The flowers are amazing....and the snowman is adorable...
    And I am blessed to have you as a friend as well.

  4. Oh my, that little snowman brings back memories! I used to make them all the time when my son was little. I think I had patterns for snowmen and candy canes... Thanks for reminding me of that!
    And now on to the flowers! WOW!!! they are wonderful! Thanks so much for sharing!
