Sunday, December 18, 2011


I was at a loss as to what to get all the nieces, nephews and their significant others this year, so I came up with the idea to make them all tiles with a vinyl design. I am quite tickled as to how they came out and can't wait to give them to them as well! *Hugs*


  1. GORGEOUS!!! They all look fantastic! I'm typically partial to palm trees, but have to say they are all so great! I don't think I could choose a favorite (though Winnie the Pooh is just too stinkin' cute.). You are going to have some excited nieces and nephews!

  2. OMGosh...these are wonderful....I hope they were all thrill upon receiving these.

  3. What a neat gift for them, great idea Alicia.
    Hugs Elaine
    They are all super
